Services and Programs
HEVIA offers a wide variety of services to help educate, motivate and heal the disadvantaged youths of rural Uganda.
HealthExtending health care to the forgotten communities Uganda
Bringing life saving services to thousands of people with zero income in the forgotten rural communities like Kamwenge and Kiruhura. |
EducationSupporting educational opportunities for the less privileged
Giving impoverished children of Uganda a chance to go back to school by providing school fees for these orphaned children. |
EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurial skills training
Equipping youths living in poor, rural communities with the practical business skills and confidence to succeed in starting a sustainable business. |
ConservationEnvironmental Conversation
Playing a key role in reducing the pressure on natural resources through sensitizing the public on the beauty of wildlife, planting trees, and providing alternative sources of energy to the poor. |